Your child needs an IEP, now what? This process can feel daunting so we’ve pulled together some tips to help you!
IEP Questions and Tips
For starters, what is an IEP? An Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is a plan that is created to ensure that a child, with an identified disability, has access to supports and services throughout their school day.
Who can get IEPs? Any child who could benefit from additional supports and services throughout the school day to access their learning environment in a more meaningful manner.
What is included in an IEP? What classroom setting the child will be in, what services the child will receive (Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Social Work)
What’s the difference between an IEP and a 504 Plan? An IEP will include direct services and classroom placement. A 504 is for if a child needs certain modifications (e.g. extended time on tests, preferential seating, sensory breaks).
I don’t know if my child will benefit from an IEP, what should I do? Chicago Public Schools offer free early childhood screenings. These screenings will help to determine if your child could benefit from a full IEP evaluation. It’s important to note that these screenings are for children birth – 5 years of age.
More Questions and Answers
My child currently has an IFSP and is receiving services through EI. However, they are turning 3 soon and will be aging out of EI, what can I do? Reach out to your service coordinator and ask to set up a transition meeting. This should happen when your child is around 2 and a half years old. Your service coordinator will help you set up an IEP evaluation with your local school district.
My child is not enrolled in school and I think they could benefit from an IEPs, what should I do? Reach out to Office of Diverse Learner Supports and Services to set up an initial IEP [email protected]
My child is currently enrolled in school and I think they could benefit from IEPs, what should I do? Reach out to your child’s teacher and the special education director (can be found on the school’s website) via email to request an evaluation.
More Information
For more information on IEPs and to talk some experts directly, please call the specialists at our academy for an assessment. Reach out to us at 773-780-3003 or emailed at [email protected]. Check out our parent company’s website to see our full list of services.