Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy

A speech or language problem is likely to have a significant effect on a child’s social and behavioral responses to the world.

Speech therapy intervention at Chicago Therapeutic Children’s Academy focuses on several areas of development including expressive and receptive language, which is language that you can communicate verbally and language that you understand, feeding therapy, oral motor development and social communication amongst teachers and peers.

Our pediatric speech pathologists realize that communication is critical to each of our daily interactions with each other. They work to improve your child’s ability to use both verbal and non-verbal communication develop an individualized treatment program to address these personalized speech therapy needs.

At Chicago Therapeutic Children’s Academy, we have reading specialists, early literacy specialists, myofunctional therapy specialists, oral motor specialists and feeding experts as well.  Our advanced team assesses each child and develops individualized treatment approaches for each child to address goals within individualized sessions, working one on one with a speech pathologist, and then generalizing those skills within a classroom of peers.

They also train and collaborate very closely with the learning staff, occupational therapists, behavior therapists and physical therapists on each child’s team, working collaboratively together to develop a unified approach to the feeding and language needs of each child.


Physical Therapy


Occupational Therapy


Speech Therapy
